Hsiao-Hsuan Chang (張筱暄)

I received my MS degree from National Taipei University of Technology, where I worked on Computer Graphics. Supervised by Prof. Tong-Ju Hsieh, I mainly focus on non-photorealisic rendering of vector graphics.

Email  /  CV  /  Github

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Research and Projects
Vector Graphics Non-photorealistic Rendering
Hsiao-Hsuan Chang, Tung-Ju Hsieh
Master's thesis

project page / code

Automatically generate non-photorealistic vector images composed of specified vector shapes based on input raster image.

Computer Animation
Course work(2022 fall)

project page / code

Cubism Live 2D web & desktop controll animated applications / Mediapipe tensorflow.js / VRoid Unity 3D animations

Type Design and Character Encoding
Course work(2022 spring)

project page / code

Chinese character encoding / Handwritten fonts / Machine learning generated fonts / Font style transfer

Computer Graphics
Course work(2022 spring)

demo video / code

OpenGL computer animation

Advanced Computer Graphics
Course work(2021 fall)

project page / code

three.js web 3D object scene construction and animation / MMD avatar 3D web animation / Pytorch3D / 3D DICOM cardiac object display

Course work(2018 fall)

project page

3D first-person perspective survival mobile game developed using C# in Unity3D

template adapted from Songyou and Jon.